Blog personal de Mr. Gibson donde expresa con total independencia sus opiniones sobre últimas lecturas, grupos musicales, cervezas del mundo, noticias de actualidad, deportes, guitarreo y todo en lo que crea conveniente mostrar su opinión.

Amigo/a, tus comentarios son bienvenidos

jueves, 18 de abril de 2019

Carbayo - The Longlook Ride

Chapter 10 - Wounded heart

After several years
riding and fighting
my bones told me
that the time had come.

I left my guns behind,
washed my hands
from dust and blood
and tuned my beloved guitar.

She was jealous and she was right.
My hands begged for mercy
and tender words and twangy sounds
joined us forever.

I crossed the ocean
not running away but searching
a far place to start again.
No way to look back and regret.

I found new friends
sharing music and beer
and my wounded heart
finally began to heal...

P. S. Special Thanks to Jesus for lending me the Carbayo's Album. (I owe you two beers, or more...)

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